It's fall and there is a change in the air. While out enjoying the beautiful cycles of Nature, check out some of the wonderful book art exhibits around the country:
Lafayette College, Skillman Library, Easton, PA-"Marking Time"-the traveling exhibit of the Guild of Book Workers and curated by Karen Hanmer is a visual delight.
Asheville Bookworks, West Asheville, NC-"Memory Palaces"-a juried exhibit of book artists who celebrate memory and time opened during their book arts celebration of BookOpolis. Up until December 10, 2010 and has some of my artist's books in the exhibit.
Duke University, Sally Bingham Study Center-"Book + Art"-a curated exhibit of artist's books celebrating the spirit and energy of women from their Special Collections. This exhibit has some outstanding works by women book artists. Another work of mine enititled"Little Pink Houses" is included in this exhibit.